Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mmm.. .Biscuits (wheat-free)

I finally found a good gluten-free flour mix!

I had been buying the Red Mill Gluten-free mix for a few years, but was unhappy with the garbanzo bean flavor of the flour in a lot of recipes. It only worked really well in anything chocolate, I just had to add some cinnamon to the recipe.

I was playing around on the web one day and found this site. Jules Shepard is a Celiac that loves to bake and has come up with a great flour mix and what looks to be some good recipes.

My first attempt at using this flour mix was modifying Cook's Country biscuits (April/May 2008 issue, Page 24). I have to say, I was pretty pleased with the results. I thought they were great and M enjoyed them too!

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